Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 19th July 2016 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, P Hodson, L James, P Jarvis and E Richmond

In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk), District Cllr D Tuplin and four members of the public

CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council

Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies and reason for absence

C Cllr S Bywater (other commitments)

Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
A resident addressed the Council on agenda item 98.16 – dog fouling proposal. He reported that at the request of the Clerk he had removed a litter bin due to proposed emptying charges being applied by HDC. Being unaware of the contents of the dog fouling proposal he indicated that pooh bags could be purchased at 89p per 100.

As a dog owner, a resident offered to empty the litter bin free of charge. She also indicated that Luminus provide dog pooh bags free of charge.

A resident addressed the Council on agenda item 99.16 – play equipment and maintenance programme. It was reported that the baby swing seats were tatty and dirty.

Two members of the public left the meeting at this juncture (7:40pm)

To confirm and accept minutes of meeting held on 21st June 2016
To take the minutes as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Richmond. The minutes were then duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from minutes
The Chairman reported that the minutes were not a verbatim record of a meeting and they should only be a brief overview of the meeting. Cllr Tuplin agreed that HDC minutes are kept to a minimum.

Communication from Councillors
Cllr Tuplin reported that Devolution was still a big topic of discussion at HDC. Councillors had received an impartial presentation at a special meeting and they had agreed to enter into discussions to ascertain what would be on offer.

Cllr Tuplin recommended that Parish Councillors attend HDC
Planning Committee meetings on applications that they have objected to. Attendance would not be necessary if the Planning Officer had also objected to the application.

Cllr Giddens reported that the poster for the forthcoming ‘Riding and roadcraft’ event had been produced by the BHS. The event is taking place in the Village Hall at 3pm on Saturday 10th September.

Cllr James reported that with the Clerk she had attended the HDC Depot Open Day event. A discussion took place with the Local Highways Officer (HLO) who reported that:-
a section of footpath along Main Street had been re-surfaced, due to lack of money the remainder is only to be slurried.
Plainings are to be laid on Hemingford Road to repair the pot holes in addition to filling in the holes outside the recreation ground.
The over-hanging trees in Gains Lane are being monitored but no further works are planned.
HDC are planning a lane closure to resolve the dip in Main Street outside Crown Cottage.
Consideration will be given to moving the 30mph sign at the Winwick Road end of the village. It was noted that the speed limits in Glatton and Holme were lowered but the boundaries remained the same.

Cllr James reported that the new bus timetable would be available shortly with the new services commencing on Monday 25th July. It was noted that a bus stop is in the wrong location, Whippet and Future Transport had been approached to request that they resolve the matter.

Cllr Jarvis asked for clarification on why the Council had commissioned a tree report in 2015. The Chairman reported that funding had been earmarked in reserves to co-fund with owners the recommended tree works, the majority of which are poplars which were at the end of their life.
Cllr James and the Clerk to review the schedule of ownership produced by HDC and write to the relevant owners and tenants. HDC will also be advised that the Council disagree with their view on ownership.
It was agreed that a fuller debate was required and the item would therefore be deferred to the August meeting.

Cllr Tuplin reported that the Sawtry Post Office was being re-located to the northern end of the village and have extended opening hours.

He then left the meeting at this juncture (8:15pm)

Speed boundaries/zones including Speed Watch statistics
Council considered the statistics produced and noted that they were still a ‘work in progress’.

To consider the dog fouling proposal
Cllr Jarvis presented his proposal to Council.
It was noted that bags of pooh are being left lying around the village in addition to fouling not been cleared away.
Dog mess is an eyesore and a health hazard. Dog owners have a legal duty to clean up every time their dog messes in a public place, it was thought that working dogs may be exempt. It was agreed that the surplus yellow bin should be installed on a post at the entrance to the jitty. It was also agreed to purchase one pooh bag dispenser which would be sited at the entrance to the allotments and wood. The Clerk to purchase the dispenser and obtain a supply of bags from Luminus for issue from the Parish Council office to the public. The purchase and installation of the dispenser to be included in the next edition of the Clarion.

Review of play equipment and maintenance programme
It was agreed that the Chairman would pressure wash one seat to ascertain whether this would resolve the problem. The Village Hall Committee to be asked for a copy of the last maintenance report for the play equipment. The Chairman agreed to check the equipment against the asset register.

Planning applications –

16/01334/HH – 86 Main Street
16/01315/HH – 57 Main Street
Council considered the planning applications:

Single storey front extension. No objection.
Single storey rear extension. No objection.

To discuss drainage issues
Cllr Hodson reported that the drainage dyke at the jitty has silted up and there is concern that it isn’t functioning properly.
It was understood that the matter had now been resolved.

Correspondence duly noted
Electoral Review of Huntingdonshire – draft recommendations
Devolution update from C Cllr Bywater
Thank you email from the Church Warden for the Council’s recent donation
Update on HDCs weed spraying programme.
National Grid letter – Cllrs Alexander and James to be included as local contacts

a)Payment of accounts
£80.38 – Grafton Projects (100958)
£102.89 – CGM Group (100959)
£305.21 – Salaries/stationery (SO)
£21.57 – BT

All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.

Items for discussion at the August meeting
Highways Improvement Grant
Feedback on playing field
Dyke in Luddington Road
Councillor training feedback
Village Hall

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 16th August 2016

Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 9:00pm

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