Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 18th April 2017 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), P Hodson, P Jarvis and L James

In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk) & two residents (one from 8:05pm)

CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council

Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies and reason for absence

Cllr R Giddens (other commitments), Cllr R Hayden (illness) and Cllr E Richmond (illness)

Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda

A resident reported that beer cans and bottles have been put into the newly installed dog bin, she will continue to monitor the situation.

It was also reported that fly tipping materials had been set alight in Leighton Bromswold and Weston. Councillor James reported that Countryside Watch were aware and were monitoring the situation. HDC should be advised if fly tipping occurs on public and council land; if left on private land it is the responsibility of the land owner.

The resident further reported that children had been ‘door knocking’ and running away, the incidents have been reported to the parents. This is a matter for the police.

To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 21st March 2017

To take the minutes as a true and accurate record.
Proposed by Cllr Jarvis and seconded by Cllr Hodson. The minutes were then duly signed by Cllr Jarvis.

Matters arising from minutes
To agree the APM agenda: The agenda was agreed and will be distributed to all households.
Village noticeboards: The Chairman agreed to remove the doors of the noticeboard outside the school to make it safe and to note if the noticeboard is being used. He will also take measurements for a new noticeboard.
Grass cutting contract: It was reported that CGM had removed the two clauses from the contract that the Council were concerned with. The contract was then duly signed by the Chairman.
Dog bins: It was reported that the dog poo bag dispenser had arrived and that the new dog bin was on order. It was agreed that the Chairman would liaise with the resident who had agreed to empty the bin as to where it should be sited.

Communication from Councillors
Councillor James reported:-
a) As requested she had organised the removal of the clothing bank from the village hall car park.
b) The triangular horse warning signs at either end of the village were now in place. The Council’s application for funding was unsuccessful, it was noted that other applications contributed more to their projects than our proposed 10% contribution and this may have been a factor in the decision process.
c) The extension of the 30mph zone may be a possible project via the next round of Local Highways Improvement grant funding.
d) A tree bough on the Luddington bridleway has split away. This was reported to HDC and the landowner has been informed. The report is now classified as closed. The tree bough has been re-reported as the work has not been undertaken and the tree is a danger to the public.

The Clarion and how to improve it
It was noted that the Clarion replaced the village magazine. It was agreed that the Clarion would be produced quarterly. Councillor Jarvis offered to work with the Clerk to prepare the articles for each issue.

Items for the June issue will include:-
Fly tipping
Clothing bank
Why our application for a Local Highways Improvement grant was unsuccessful
Why noticeboards are being changed

Correspondence duly noted.

It was noted that Anglian Water were not yet in a position to supply data on water main issues in Great Gidding for 2016. The Clerk to request the data when it is available.

a) Payment of accounts
£347.78 – L Ellis (100979)
£318.28 – Salaries (SO)
£21.08 – HDC (100980)
£103.82 – Glasdon UK (100981)

b)Review of asset register

All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.

Council considered the asset register. Cllr James was not convinced that the value of three play equipment items purchased in January 2014 were correct, she agreed to look in her records and update the Clerk so that the register could be corrected if required.

One resident left the meeting at his juncture (8:35pm)

Items for discussion at the May meeting

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 16th May 2017

Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 8:45pm

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