Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, R Hayden, P Hodson and P Jarvis
In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk) and County Cllr S Bywater
CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council
Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies and reason for absence
Cllrs L James (illness), E Richmond (illness) & D Tuplin (other commitments)
Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2016
To take the minutes as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Jarvis. The minutes were then duly signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from minutes
Tree Warden Scheme: Cllr Jarvis reported that in recognising the value of the role of the Tree Warden and the appreciation of the support of the Tree Warden Coordinator, the PC are accordingly disappointed that HDC have elected not to continue funding the role. If HDC were to prepare a viable proposal for the continued operation of this position this PC might be prepared to contribute to the funding of the role on an annual basis. This is only an expression of interest because at the moment, with the information supplied it is impossible to make a sufficiently informed decision. For the PC to consider supporting this role we need to know such things as how it will be constructed, under the terms HDC would continue to employ the person and the allocation of duties.
It was agreed that clarification should be sought from
D.Cllr Tuplin on whether it is legal for a PC to give money to HDC for this role.
The Chairman reported that he had met twice with a representative from Milton Estates who has indicated that T15 and the tree in Chapel End are on their land but on checking the boundary for T14, this is believed to be on HDC land.
The Clerk reported that the Diocese of Ely had commissioned an inspection on T11 & T12 as they have taken ownership of these trees as being on Glebe land.
HDC maintain that T1-10 all fall within the boundary hedge to the adjacent field. The highway extent is shown up to the boundary feature of the hedge with the hedge and trees being the responsibility of the adjacent land owner. Some land at this location was acquired by the CC for highway improvements of the road, the land acquired forms part of the grass verge adjacent to the carriageway. This land appears to include some of the lower vegetation to the front of the tree line. From the tree position marked on the location plan, the trees are in the line of the boundary feature of the hedge line for the field.
Council agreed to obtain a quotation for the works required to the trees, report to HDC that these trees are their responsibility but that the PC are prepared to rectify the issues with the trees but will take no responsibility for their on-going maintenance.
Grass cutting quotation – item deferred to December meeting.
Hedge cutting quotation – it was noted that a local farmer had agreed to undertake the work.
Communication from Councillors
C.Cllr Bywater reported that Devolution is likely to go through with elections for a Mayor taking place in May 2017 which is the same time as the County Councillor elections. He reported that due to the boundary review changes he was hoping to be elected as Cllr to Sawtry & Stilton. It was noted that Ian Gardner was looking to be elected to cover this area.
He further reported that CCC had announced that they were reducing the gritting routes but with the main routes still being gritted.
CC Cllrs on the General Purposes Committee have voted not to accept the government’s financial deal (Revenue Support Grant), this means that CCC’s RSG settlement of £15M for 2017/18 is now at risk of being further reduced. The Leader of CCC has issued a statement raising his concerns for Cambridgeshire as a whole.
Cllr Bywater left the meeting at this juncture (8:00pm)
Cllr Jarvis reported that the Highways fault reporting system works well, the fault reported in Chapel End was resolved quickly.
It was also reported that mud was left on Mill Road following a meeting of the Cambridge University Drag Hunt and the parking issues continue. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Master of the C.U.Draghounds.
Cllr Hodson reported that the allotments were being worked on and that 2 plots were still available for rent.
Cllr Giddens reported that she had been pruning around the stiles and gateways on footpaths.
Village maintenance – hedge laying
The Chairman reported that he has a meeting planned for 20th November. It was noted that as the land is owned by the Charity this matter should be discussed at a Trustees meeting. Any work undertaken should be paid for by the Charity.
Replacement dog waste bin
It was noted that a lidded dog bin should be considered to replace the current bin. Cllr Jarvis proposed and Cllr Hodson seconded that Council should purchase a green Fido 25TM dog waste bin. Council agreed to purchase the bin.
It was also agreed that a bucket should be purchased to transport the waste.
Horse warning signs
It was noted that as a resident that Cllr James had approached the Fitzwilliam Trust for a contribution towards horse warning signs. A cheque for £600 made payable to the PC has been received. It was agreed that this matter should be discussed further at the December meeting to consider a plan of action.
Planning application –
16/02374/HHFUL – 1st floor rear extension
23 Chapel End, Gt Gidding
Council considered the planning application:
Council recommend approval as there will be no impact on the surrounding properties.
Correspondence duly noted.
a)Payment of accounts
£118.26 – Grafton Projects (100973)
£305.21 – Salaries (SO)
£32.42 – Anglian Water
£19.68 – BT
b)To consider the 2017/18 budget
All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.
Cllr Hodson and the Clerk reported on the expenditure during the current financial year and considered future expenditure.
Cllr Jarvis proposed and Cllr Hodson seconded a 2% increase in the precept. Council agreed that the budget for 2017/18 should be set at £11,052. The increase takes into account future tree works and their on-going care.
Items for discussion at the December meeting
Horse warning signs
Grass cutting at village ponds
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 20th December 2016
Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 9:00pm
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