Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman), Hodson, Howden, Trolove, Giddens, James, clerk and 3 members of the public.
981.12 Apologies for absence – none
982.12 Minutes of 16th October 2012 were agreed and signed
983.12 Matters arising (information only)
984.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – Cllrs Giddens and Hayden 996.12
985.12 PCC request for partnership with PC on churchyard maintenance at Great Gidding – Revd Mary Jepp and Churchwarden Lois Jordan represented the PCC and following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the clerk would forward details of the contractor used by the PC for grass cutting and that the PCC would find out the cost of servicing the church lawnmower and forward to the PC
986.12 Rural Broadband – Get Cambridgeshire connected update 58 signed up in Great Gidding and 1 in Little Gidding. It was noted that fibre optic had been provided to the school from the Winwick exchange.
987.12 Recreation Ground – Fields in Trust – QE2 dedication update
988.12 BT account review –annual payment of line rental to receive discount has to be paid by card over the phone but clerk to enquire if BACS payment would be acceptable.
989.12 Village Hall request for donation towards replenishing car park gravel – the hall committee provided a quote of £323 +VAT for a load of 18-19 tonnes spec 20 – 25mm washed gravel. It was agreed to fund this with money from S137 (3 abstained from vote)
990.12 Mobile Post Office – reliability of visits – Cllr Hayden reported that he had received several complaints about the service being unreliable – clerk to speak to neighbouring parishes for their views and report back.
991.12 Jointly Funded Minor Highway Improvements scheme 2013/14. Our 2012/13 application had been successful but was last on the list so subject to the budget running out before getting to our scheme. It was therefore agreed to resubmit for 2013/14 and consider submitting a second scheme – to be discussed at the next meeting
992.12 The Potting Shed – offer from Anglian Water on Water Butts £29.99 or 2 for £45. It was agreed not to take up this offer as there were no suitable locations/benefits
993.12 Precept – agree budget for next financial year. This was discussed and agreed not to increase the amount of precept requested from HDC would remain at £10,835
994.12 Representative reports
Rights of Way – It was reported that some footpath signs had gone missing/ been taken down and that some brambles needed trimming back.
Tree warden & Jubilee wood – Ash dieback was present in the village and had been reported – awaiting official word on how to deal with this
Highways & Police – House breakins had occurred in neighbouring villages
Finance & Charities – Finance covered in 993.12 and nothing to report on charities.
Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Replacement external doors were the next project for the hall – a request will be issued asking for volunteers to organise events in support of the hall. The pavilion on the Recreation Ground is holding its own
Allotments – the water leak had been fixed
School Liaison – It was noted that in the School newsletter sent to all parents they had been requested to leave gaps when parking on Main Street to allow passing places especially when attending functions at the school – School Christmas Fayre Friday 23rd December
995.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques
S Dalley (clerk) £295.70
CGM grass cutting October £152.56
Village Hall (History Society –annual hire charges) £100.00 (S137)
996.12 Planning –application 1201708REP replacement permission 0901576FUL for proposed residential development (3 dwellings) 61 Main Street, Great Gidding – recommend approval however the condition of the existing farmhouse is now a matter for concern as there are loose roof tiles and as the property abuts the pavements and highway this may be a hazard to pedestrians and vehicles. – application 1201738FUL Erection of 1 ½ storey detached dwelling, 47 Main Street, Great Gidding – recommend approval.
997.12 Community Hub stake holder meeting 18th October inc notes from Julie Trolove – these were noted and clerk to thank Julie for attending and representing the Parish.
998.12 HMRC -Getting your business ready for PAYE Real Time Information – Clerk currently using Basic PAYE tools.
999.12 Correspondence received
. Invitation for Councillors and Clerk to visit District Council offices and staff – Cllrs Alexander and James interested in attending – clerk to co-ordinate suitable date.
. Magpas – request for donation – The PC consider this is up to individuals to donate.
. HDC arrangements for dealing with standards allegations under the localism act 2011 -noted
. HDC Ash Dieback Chalara fraxinea advice and guidance – Cllr Trolove is dealing with this
. Local Policing update – A representative will be attending the Parish Council Meeting in Feb or Mar 2013
. Winter Gritting service 2012/13 – noted. Councillors requested to check bins and inform clerk of any defects.
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