Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU

Tel 01832 email:


Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 19th March 2013 at 7.30pm.


Present:   Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Giddens, Hodson, Howden, James, Trolove, County Cllr Mcguire, District Cllrs Tuplin, Tysoe, clerk and 1 member of the public


37.13 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hayden

38.13 Minutes of 19th February 2013 were agreed and signed

39.13 Matters arising (information only)

40.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items

– Cllr Alexander 53.13

41.13 Huntingdonshire District Council Green Heart Awards – it was agreed to nominate Cllr Trolove for the best environmental project category for his ongoing work to improve the village ponds, Jubilee Wood and as Tree Warden

42.13 Clerks Training – SLCC Regional conference £69 and application for 50% bursary.   It was agreed to fund the clerk from the training budget

43.13 Overhanging branches on highway/footway Main Street – it was agreed to write to the homeowner and ask for the branches to be trimmed back.

44.13 Huntingdonshire District Council Community Chest Fund – It was agreed to consider an application for discussion at the next meeting

45.13 Survey of community feedback in relation to Policing in Huntingdonshire – it was agreed that this was for individuals to reply to and not the Parish Council

46.13 Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Scheme for new footway Chapel End – the work had been given the go ahead by the County Council and would start shortly

47.13 Drainage issues Chapel End – Cllr Trolove had taken photographs of the problem and given his recommendation for the lowering of a drain which would then accept the water higher up the lane and help alleviate the flow of water lower down.

48.13 Cambridgeshire ACRE membership renewal £30 (or 5 years for £120) It was agreed to renew membership of £30 for one year

49.13 Receipt of Deed of Dedication and requirement to complete Land Registry documents AN1 & RX1- clerk to action Land Registry forms

50.13 Neighbourhood Watch in Great Gidding – it was agreed to publicise this in the next Clarion and if sufficient interest shown arrange for a public meeting with the PCSO


51.13 Representatives reports

Rights of Way – replacement signs had been erected for the second time by the County Council using more secure fixing

Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – Newts had been spotted in the new pond at the Jubilee Wood.   Clerk to arrange for the Woodside Arbour to be ordered.

Highways & Police – PCSO Emily Bryant had given a report and answered questions at the Annual Parish Meeting (prior to this meeting)

Finance & Charities S137 £6.98 per elector for 2013/14 was noted.   It was agreed to close current account 2 (lottery fund for pond) and transfer to current account 1 and allocate balance to pond budget

Village Hall & Recreation Ground – replacement doors for the village hall had been ordered.   A key to the Recreation Ground gate had been given to the school and Sawtry Colts (+ grass cutting contractors).   The AGM will be held on 13th May at 7.30pm.

Allotments – despite the weather all are in good order

Community Liaison – no reports received


52.13 Payment of accounts

Cambridgeshire ACRE membership                £30.00

S Dalley (Flash Drive for PC back up)               £7.99

S Dalley Clerk payment March                      £295.70

Mrs D Garner (Clarion delivery by Molly)      £10.00


53.13 Planning – Application Ref 1300299S73 Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 9900454FUL to: the development hereby permitted shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of as a separate residential unit without prior written consent from Local Planning Authority at 59 Main Street, Great Gidding –it was agreed to recommended approval

54.13 Connecting Cambridgeshire update – meeting on 17th April details of venue awaited

55.13 Correspondence received

. HMR&C Pay As You Earn – Getting your business ready for changes to Pay as You Earn Real Time Information – Cllr Alexander and clerk are making sure this is complied with

. Letter from Hemington, Luddington and Thurning Parish Council concerning the poor surface conditions on Luddington Road – to be forwarded to County Council Highways Department

. Visit to HDC 12th April at 2pm Cllrs Alexander, James and clerk to attend

Date of next meeting 23rd April

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