A delightful and varied programme of music is in store at St Michael’s Church this summer.
An evening with Ball & Socket
Saturday 7th June 2014 at 7.30pm
Ball & Socket captivated an enthusiastic audience here two years ago, and we are delighted to welome them back with their mix of Flanders and Swann songs and other material in similar vein.
Tickets: £12 (includes finger buffet and glass of wine). To purchase tickets, please telephone: 01832 293357
Proceeds in aid of Chancel Roof Restoration Fund
William Russell
Saturday 14th June 2014 at 4pm
An illustrated talk by Dr Gillian Ward Russell on the London organist, and her forebear, William Russell (1777-1813).
Tickets: £10 (available at the church door on the day)
Promoted by Peterborough & District Organist’s Association
Choral evensong
Sunday 22nd June 2014 at 6pm
Sung by Peterborough Chamber ChoirVoluntary: Choral Dorien (Alain)
Introit: One thing I have desired (Sumsion)
Responses: Barber
Canticles: Ridout in F
Anthem: Never weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Address: Reverend (Wing Commander) Mike Elliott, Royal Air Force (Retd)
Voluntary: Fantasia in A minor BWV 904 (J.S Bach)
Organ Recital
Saturday 28th June 2014 at 7.30pm
Steven McIntyre (Organ Scholar, Peterborough Cathedral)
Leslie Crowson (tenor)
Music by Bach, Stanley, Mendelssohn, Stanford and Mushel
Tickets: £6 (available at the church door on the night)
Proceeds in aid of Chancel Roof Restoration Fund
Choral evensong
Sunday 21st September 2014 at 6pm
Sung by Divers VoycesVoluntary: Choral Prelude ‘Nun danket alle Gott’ (Kauffmann)
Introit: In omnem terram (Giovanni Francesco Aneiro)
Opening responses: Caesar de Zachariis
Magnificat: Francesco Soriano (octavi toni)
Nunc Dimitis: Ivo de Vento (quarti toni)
Responses after the Creed: plainchant
Anthem: Beati eritis (Giovanni Croce)
Address: Reverend Paul Skirrow, Honorary Warden, Ferrar House, Little Gidding
Voluntary: Te lucis ante terminum (John Redford)
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