I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and is looking forward to the two Bank Holiday weekends coming up in May.
Most, if not all district councillors might say the same but I really do think the Stilton, Folksworth & Washingley ward is one of the most special in Huntingdonshire.
There is a mix of villages, each with their own charm, as well as their own challenges. They also have areas and issues in common and it is with that in mind that, along with my fellow ward councillor, Marge Beuttell, I have organised joint meetings for the Chairs and Clerks from the various parish councils and parish meetings.
The most recent two being held in the Milestone Hotel at Norman Cross, where we have received presentations from Huntingdonshire District Council’s Chief Planning Officer and representatives of Cambridgeshire Police.
Most importantly though, these meetings continue to provide an opportunity to meet with each other, to share common problems and exchange ideas; I am pleased that Marge and I have been supported in this by County Councillors Simon Bywater and Ian Gardener. I am also pleased that the Great & Little Gidding Parish Council has been represented at each of these meetings.
Our next meeting will hopefully be in the autumn, where I intend to invite a representatives from the district council’s Operations team to discuss the changes in the garden waste collections. Speaking of which…
I have received direct correspondence and seen comments on social media about the changes, most – although not all – have been negative. Without being too political, I feel it appropriate to confirm that I remain unconvinced that there was a need to introduce a green bin charge and didn’t vote in favour of it;. That said it was democratically voted for by the majority of elected district councillors and the changes have been made.
The new arrangements, including the offer of up to 10 large bins at a central site in villages such as Great Gidding have prompted further comments (particularly about communication levels) and I have followed these up with council officers.
During the Spring & Summer, anyone, whether they have paid the green bin charge or not, can take their garden bin to be emptied into a freighter (dust cart) at a specified location, on a Saturday morning once a month; the nearest for residents of Great & Little Gidding are Stilton and Sawtry.
Further information, including the schedule and locations can be found via https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/bins-waste/garden-waste-subscription-service/garden-waste-initiatives/freighter-locations-and-schedule/
On Thursday 2nd May there will be elections for the post of Police & Crime Commissioner and one change from the last time we voted is that, anyone voting in person (rather than by post) will need to show Photo ID. Acceptable forms of ID can be found via https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id
From the fens in the East to the Huntingdonshire Wolds in the West, and from Little Gidding in the South to the river Nene in the North, the Stilton, Folksworth & Washingley ward is one of the largest in the Huntingdonshire District and I continue to enjoy working with Marge to represent the people who live here. With such a wide area, Marge focusses on the North and I focus on the South; to contact me, please email me via tim.alban@huntingdonshire.gov.uk or call 07903 518967.
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