This meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st May 2024
Starting at 7.00PM
At Great Gidding Village Hall
This is not a formal Parish Council meeting. It is an opportunity for residents of Great and Little Gidding to find out more about the work that the Parish Council are doing, to raise any issues regarding the parish and comment on plans for the coming year.
All residents are welcome to attend.
- Chairman’s welcome
- Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 16th May 2023
- The Chairman’s Annual Report from the Parish Council
- Police Community Support Office Martin will attend the meeting to discuss rural policing matters.
- Update on current tasks within the Parish and plans for 2024-25
- For members of the public to present, discuss and resolve any other matters related to Great and Little Gidding Parish.
Below are the draft Minutes from the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting:
DRAFT MINUTES of the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting of
Great and Little Gidding Parish Council
Tuesday 16th May 2023, 7.00PM at Great Gidding Village Hall
PRESENT: District Councillor Tim Alban, Parish Councillors Hodson, Maciag, Hargrave, Moody, Bolton and 4 members of the public.
APOLOGIES received from County Councillor Gardener and Parish Councillor D’Altillia
Councillor Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting and gave an overview of the past year, mentioning the work associated with the closure of the village school, the recent Coronation weekend events and noting that 3 members of the Neighbourhood Plan group were present at the meeting. He expressed thanks to the Neighbourhood Plan Group who, with those representatives from neighbouring villages, have approached the task with enthusiasm and driven it forward with great success.
Paul Hargrave, representing the Neighbourhood Plan group, gave an outline of the project which will represent the character and diversity of the Giddings, Hamerton and Winwick. They had studied the requirements of Huntingdonshire District Council’s Local Plan, which contained 38 directives, and devised two questionnaires, one for households and the other for businesses, to gather thoughts and views. Survey documents have been delivered and responses are being completed and returned, both online and via paper copies.
Using the content of the survey responses, the group will compile a report, any specific aspect relating to an individual parish will be included. The next stage of the project is to compile a first draft, this will be sent to Hunts DC for their perusal and advice, a second draft will then be written, back to Hunts DC and then sent on to an independent examiner. A grant application to cover the costs of the project has been made to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. It is hoped that the project should be concluded by the end of the year, with residents being involved in future stages, and a copy of the final document available to all.
District Councillor Alban complimented the work that had been undertaken by the group thus far, and this was echoed by Councillor Hodson.
The meeting closed at 19.24.
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