The Clarion was delivered just before Christmas but, if you have misplaced your copy, here is one to refer to.
CLARION – Winter 2018
Winter Gritting Team – We would like to organise a team of people to help with gritting around Great Gidding during periods of cold weather. If you would be interested in helping please contact the Parish Clerk (details below) by the end of December- training and equipment will be provided.
Dog waste bins – the Parish Council have now installed a dog waste bin and bag disposal unit at Little Gidding and we hope that dog owners will make use of this facility. It has been noticed in recent weeks that bags of dog waste are being dropped on the ground, rather than placed in the bin – PLEASE put filled bags in the bins that are provided.
11th November 2018 – end of World War 1 commemoration event
The Parish Councillors would like to express their thanks to all those who were involved in the “Battle’s Over” Commemoration evening – it was really good to see so many villagers joining this successful event.
Refuse Collection – Huntingdon District Council have advised us that there will be a change to bin collection days in Great Gidding during December:
- The GREY bin will be collected on Monday 17th and Monday 24th December
- The BLUE bin will be collected on Monday 10th and then Saturday 22nd December
- The GREEN bin will be collected on Tuesday 11th and then Monday 24th December
Jubilee Wood Maintenance
There was a good number of helpers who turned up for the Jubilee Wood maintenance session – the hedge was cut between the allotments and the wood, the bullrushes were pulled from the pond and there is an ongoing winter maintenance programme – check thegiddings.org.uk for updates.
Recreation Ground Equipment Upgrade
Exciting news! The Parish Council made an application to the National Lottery Fund for a grant to provide new and/or replacement equipment on the Recreation Ground. We have heard that our application was successful, and that our bid for National Lottery funding to improve the facilities on the Recreation Ground has been approved. We have recently received a substantial Grant to purchase new equipment so, in Spring 2019, the project will commence to update the equipment. We would like to invite parishioners to get involved in the plans to improve and enhance the Recreation Ground and so we will publish more information early next year to invite participation. In the meantime, if you wish to get involved in the plans from the beginning, please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
Cambridge County Council – Local Highways Initiative Programme
The Parish Council have submitted a bid through the Cambridgeshire County Council Local Highways Initiative (LHI) Programme for funding to make improvements to the roads in the Parish. A high proportion of responses from our 2018 Community Survey highlighted residents’ concerns about traffic speed on the B660 through the village. Our initial plans for improved signage and improved speed monitoring measures along the B660, including new 40 MPH “buffer zones” at each end of the village, have been provisionally approved and a Parish Council representative presented our case for funding to the LHI Adjudication Panel in Huntingdon on 13 December. We must now wait until Spring 2019 to find out if we have been successful. We will keep you informed via a future issue of the Clarion.
Parish Council Vacancies – We need YOU
We still have several vacancies on the Parish Council, so if you have been
thinking about getting involved and perhaps “just haven’t got round to it
yet”, why not contact Julie Trolove our Parish Clerk to find out more.
You would be very welcome.
The Parish Council send you their best wishes for the festive season
Contact details for the Parish Council:
Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding, Huntingdon, PE28 5NU
TEL: 01832 293068 – leave an answermachine message
e-mail: ggparishcouncil@outlook.com
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