Minutes of Great and Little Gidding Parish Council Meeting

Held on Tuesday 17th December 2019 at Great Gidding Village Hall

PRESENT:  Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Dear, Valderas and Pudney

116.19              Cllr Hill welcomed those present.

117.19             To receive apologies and reasons for absence:

                        Cllr Hebb – unable to attend due to family circumstances

                        Cllr Page – resigned due to personal circumstances

                        District Councillor Alban – due to ill health

                        County Councillor Gardener – attending another Parish Council meeting

118.19             There were no Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda

119.19              Public & Press participation session with respect to items on the Agenda – no press or public were present.

120.19              To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 19th November 2019 Cllr Hill signed – approved by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Dear

                        Matters arising from those minutes:

                        Vodaphone contract had been renewed by Cllr Hill, Clerk advised there had been a small increase in the monthly direct debit (£31.00 to £32.20), which Cllr Hill will enquire about.

Cllr Hill had written to Anglian Water regarding the frequency of water main leaks in recent years (copy to Environmental Health Dept. of Huntingdonshire District Council) – replies are awaited.

Clerk had reported the water running from the drain in Main Street to Anglian Water, who responded that it was due to recent heavy rainfall.

121.19             COUNCIL ISSUES TO NOTE:

To receive reports from Councillors:

Cllrs Valderas and Hodson had nothing to report.

Cllr Pudney will submit the first draft of the Risk Assessment(s) to the January meeting.

Cllr Dear had a resident complaining about the footpath being blocked (past Chapel End pond, across the field and out onto Mill Road) and had advised the resident to report online (Parish Clerk has already reported online).

                        Cllr Hill had heard that the feasibility study for the Local Highways Initiative bid has been completed, the overall cost to Cambs CC is estimated at £7741,  The Parish Council would be expected to contribute £1000 if the scheme receives approval (the speed awareness sign would be an additional cost to the Parish Council). The Cambs CC technical appraisal rated our bid “green” with an “amber caveat” being applied against the width of the roadside verges for installation of the high visibility “speed gates”; the Parish Council will review the bid and may decide to withdraw the request for high visibility “speed gates” to give our overall bid a higher chance of success.

From Parish Clerk – Section 137 money has increased to £8.32 per elector for 2020-21 financial year.

Clerk had attended the recent Parish Clerk’s Forum as the speaker was a grass/grounds contractor who had some useful hints and tips regarding maintenance of grass.

122.19             FINANCIAL MATTERS:

                        a) to note Barclays Bank statements and letter re. Instant Access accounts

b) to note the Budget control statement (spreadsheet available at meeting) – a full copy of the spreadsheet was made available to Councillors, together with information regarding Parish Council Reserves.

c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve and sign cheques in respect of the following:

1)  ***CGM Group – grass cutting on 9th September          £130.97 (21.83 VAT)

(Clerk has queried the invoice – this will not be paid until further research has been carried out to establish why this payment is required).

2) GG Village Hall – support for Games Club                                £50.00 (no VAT)

3) Great Gidding Charity – support for Orchard Project           £200.00  (no VAT)

5) J R Trolove – Clerks working hours for October                    £xxx     (no VAT)

6) HMRC tax in respect of October salary                                £10.60   (no VAT)  

7)  to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th November

8)  Viking supplies – print cartridges + stationery                  £102.95 (20.60 VAT)

123.19             Request received from resident for village to purchase large poppies for display prior to Remembrance Day/or alternative ideas/VE Day event.

                        Clerk has requested information about availability and cost of poppies.  The resident wanted to replicate Sawtry parish example of attaching them to lamp posts – this would require a licence/permission to be obtained for each lamp post (cost not yet known) from Balfour Beatty (the contractor with responsibility for lamp posts.  Clerk suggested that Gidding devise its own style of commemoration, possibly using knitted/handmade poppies, wooden cut-outs placed on the green opposite the shop or on the grass bank outside the Church.  Councillors were asked to come up with ideas for the February meeting.  Cllr Dear suggested, in relation to the VE Commemoration in May 2020 that the village hold an event, possibly on the Recreation Field – this will be discussed again at a future meeting with a view to getting both school and residents involved in the event. Clerk will advise the resident of the ongoing discussions.

124.19             Recreation Ground update –

                        Cllr Pudney had researched grants available through the Mick George Community Fund, with a view to using the grant for the all-weather surface.   The initial step is to obtain any planning permissions that are required for the site and contact will be made with the Planning Department of Huntingdonshire District Council.

                        Cllr Hill had repaired the Tai-Chi disc on the multi-gym as the replacement part had been delivered (free of charge due to unacceptable delay).

                        Bin moved near to container – this will be reviewed in the summer months to see if the bin is being used and/or needs to be moved back to the entrance to the Recreation Field.

Cllr Hodson advised that the hedge is still to be cut but the weather is preventing the contractor accessing the site.

125.19             Grass cutting contract for 2020/21

Proposal to instruct contractor – Cllr Dear proposed that Bradgate be instructed to carry out the grass cutting contract, this was seconded by Cllr Valderas.

126.19             CIL report and return –

                        There has been one CIL payment received in the last 18 months, in respect of the development in Laurel Farm yard.  Clerk will complete and submit the paperwork, advising that the payment will be used to fund improvements to the village road safety infrastructure.

127.19             Clerk’s salary review for 2020/21(in accordance with Financial Regulation 4.4)

4.4. The salary budgets are to be reviewed at least annually in December for the following financial year and such review shall be evidenced by a hard copy schedule signed by the Clerk and the Chairman of Council. The Clerk will inform committees of any changes impacting on their budget requirement for the coming year in good time.

Clerk left the meeting for this discussion and, on return, was advised that her salary will remain the same for 2020/21.

128.19             Correspondence received since 19th November 2019 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).  Correspondence that was available to view at the meeting, included the following:       

  1.  Email from the Fire Authority regarding their Risk Management Plan
  2. Planning Application (received morning of meeting)

Proposal: Demolition of a 9″ thick garden wall and replacement with a close boarded timber fence.
Site Address: Outbuildings Rear Of 80 Main Street Great Gidding

Reference: 19/02422/FUL129.19

Cllr Hodson recommended refusal and the Parish Council to request that the wall be replaced, including the gateway, other Councillors were in agreement.

129.19             Items for decisions at next meeting: 

Speaker or event for Annual Parish Meeting – a recent email had been received regarding First Responders, Clerk enquired if this would be a suitable speaker at the Annual Parish Meeting.  It was agreed that this would not be pursued.  Cllr Dear suggested a visit from the A14 Highways Information Team – Clerk will make enquiries to see what can be offered and report back to a future meeting.      

Risk Assessments        

130.19             Date of next meeting – Tuesday 21st January 2020,

starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding      

                        Meeting closed at 20.55

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