Over the last few days several village residents have come together to facilitate the parish wide litter pick. Its disapointing to have to resort to these activities but its the price we pay for a consumer society that has poor environmental credentials especially the redbullswillingcostacoffeelobbingmcdonaldsthrowingheinekensboozingcoladrinkingsandwichpackmunchingcrisppackettossing clients who think the highways and byways are perfect receptacles for their (multiple choice answer here)
“muck” “detritus” “crap” “rubbish” “stuff”
Thanks to all who joined the effort, we had a great age spread of pickers but our work is not quite complete. A special task force will tackle the worst offending stretch of road from the Horse pond to Lutton cross roads, and to be truly parish wide we need to pick the road to Lutton as far as Gypsy Lane so look out for another call to arms.The Gidding Environmental squad also took the opportunity to don waders and tidy the inside of Chapel End pond following the recent Ash tree felling. The overflow is working correctly and I would like to encourage anyone walking past the pond to keep the road drains clear . There are three grates that allow surface road water to flow into the pond but they get clogged up. A simple job with a stick will lessen the flow of surface water flowing down Chapel End in times of heavy rain (self help)
Another occassional problem is fly tipping. Hunts District Council operate an online reporting service and in my recent experience are very responsive to problems. They need an accurate location and a photo helps especially if its a big heap. They can judge what size vehicle to send out. What 3words is a very useful location app and is worth space on your mobile device.
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If you can just run a stick throughthese grates to allow surface road water into the Chapel End pond. Pond maintenance including checking the overflow outlet. Pond dipping for floating sticks following the recent Ash tree felling Chapel End pond clearing work. Close to home, the playing field litter bin shouldnt get to this state, if its full empty it and put the contents in your Monday general rubbish bin,. Job sorted. A load of bull really, this brand is vying with Costa as the most dumped item in our parish. Whats a litter pick without the yellow arch brand Big brand shout out for Strongbow Dark Fruit cider, obviously the consumer was befuddled after downing the contents as to how to recycle the empty can. Fly tipped tyres speedily removed by HDC once reported. The reality of a litter pick. Bulk dumping.
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