After such a wet start to the year it’s been good to see the sunshine and feel the soil warming up a bit.
There’s been lots of activity on the allotments and the annual anxieties of whether it’s too early or too late to sow or plant out have been occupying most of the conversations. Seeds are finally germinating in the warmer soil but many of us don’t fully trust the weather and have been starting seeds off in modules.
- Redcurrants on Great Gidding allotment – (not gooseberries – sorry! – Admin)
- Netted plants on Great Gidding Allotments
- Use netting on brassicas against the cabbage white butterflies
Vegetables and prize winning flowers
Hopefully there’s room in your gardens for some vegetables as well as prize winning flowers. This is a good time as hopes are high but don’t forget to prepare as best you can for all the pests and diseases which are waiting round the corner… use netting on brassicas against the cabbage white butterflies and put fine mesh over the carrot rows if you want to stop the pesky carrot root flies from laying their eggs in your beautiful prize winning exhibits.
Children too!
We’re really pleased that we’ve already had some requests for schedules from other areas and hope that we might get more entries from children this year, especially as the cup awarded for the winner of the Children’s section is worth having on display!
Who’s the best at cooking?
Remember, the baking section is open to all, so let’s have more men trying their cooking skills against those of the ladies. Go on, give it a try…
For schedules/queries please contact Sue Jarvis. E-mail: jartrap@aol.com or tel: 01832 293271.
‘Poached egg plant’ (Limnanthes douglasii) which the bees love and everyone should grow to encourage pollinators into their garden!
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