Great Gidding School is hoping to recruit a new Community Governor and a new Foundation Governor from within the parish. You don’t need to be a parent of a child in the school for these positions.

Please consider whether you could be a school Governor. Training is provided, it’s not difficult, doesn’t take up that much time, and it’s a very good way of getting involved in school life as well as supporting the school and villages.

If you are interested and want to find out more then please take a look at the school’s website or email  Julie Byard  ( or the school directly ( for more information.


The school also has an after school Gardening Club, which runs one day a week, (Tuesdays 3-4pm). Unfortunately the lady who currently runs the club will be stopping in September when her child leaves the school.

If you are a green fingered gardener who might be interested in spending an hour or two each week helping the kids with their garden as well as passing over your gardening wisdom, then please contact Julie or the school (details above). The club could be run by more than one person, which would mean that it might only mean taking up a couple of hours a month!


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