Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

Last October, a Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for those who had died was held in St Michael’s Church. The aim of the service was to provide people with an opportunity to pause, reflect and give thanks for the lives of loved ones.

This year the service will be held in Alconbury Parish Church on Sunday 4th November at 3pm. As before, the names of those who have died will be read out. During the service, there will also be the opportunity to light a candle in memory of a loved one.

If you would like to have someone remembered at this service, please email the Rev’d Mary Jepp at or telephone 01480 890284. Alternatively names may be given to either of the Churchwardens. Names may be added to the list on the day.
Start Time: 15:00
Date: 2012-11-04

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