Church Restoration
The work at St Michael’s Church is now complete and the church has re-opened, the first service being the Primary School’s Christingle Service last Friday 14th December.
The north aisle window and plaster has been repaired and restored. The opportunity was taken, at the same time, to repair the north aspect of the chancel arch which had moved significantly, leading to a need to carry out stonework repair, employing a stonemason.
In view of all the plaster dust etc, it was decided to arrange for a thorough ‘spring clean’ (can you have one in December?), and this has included attention to high places in the church, not reachable by our normal cleaning.
Family Carol Service
Our Carol Service (aka ‘Carols and Blankets’) takes place next Saturday (December 22nd) at 6pm. This year, as the result of a suggestion, there is one addition. Mince pies and mulled wine will be available BEFORE the service, as well as after. Furthermore, John DeVal will be adding hot chocolate to the drinks. So come along from 5.30pm onwards to warm up your vocal chords.
The service will follow the usual format of favourite carols, interspersed with readings (biblical and secular). The biblical readings will remind us of the events of the birth of Jesus, whilst the secular readings include authors such as Dylan Thomas & Charles Dickens. Appropriately for this year when we mark the centenary of the end of World War 1, there is a reading sent from the trenches. Glen Page (who has been singing at St Michael’s for over thirty years) will sing a couple of solos, and we welcome back Stephen Barber as organist.
The collection will be given to the charity ‘Crisis at Christmas’.
Don’t forget to wrap up warm – there will be some blankets at church if you need one. However hearty singing always seems to banish the cold!
Midnight Communion
Our ‘Midnight Communion’ at St Michael’s takes place on Christmas Eve, starting at 11.30pm. The service will be led by the Vicar, the Revd Mandy Flaherty.
From Michael Keck
attended both- carols and midnight mass.
back to basics – perfect in every way.
Don’t ever change
Well done to all