UPDATE to: We Shall Remember Them

UPDATE to: We Shall Remember Them

UPDATE from Michael Keck following lockdown announcement: You will have seen the Act of Remembrance for Remembrance Sunday next week advertised in St Michael’s Church. Sadly, events have now overtaken us, and this service can no longer take place. However, whilst congregational worship is not permitted, private

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75th VE Day celebrations in the Giddings

75th VE Day celebrations in the Giddings

Photos taken on the 75th anniversary of VE Day around Great Gidding (and Little Gidding) during the ‘lockdown’ due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Despite social-isolation restrictions everyone managed to have a joyful day with lots of photo sharing via social media. Thanks to everyone that

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Photographs documenting the 2020 ‘Lockdown’ in the Giddings.

Photographs documenting the 2020 'Lockdown' in the Giddings.

A few photographs taken during the Coronavirus pandemic ‘lockdown’ during Spring 2020. Hoping that in a year’s time we’ll be looking back at these as a distant memory! Send us YOUR photos If you’ve got any photos that you would like to share please send them to

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Caresco foodbank needs donations to help those in need

Caresco foodbank needs donations to help those in need

Caresco run a foodbank in Sawtry and rely on goodwill and local donations to keep things going. They need donations of basic foods to create food parcels for local people. Demand since the beginning of the crisis has increased substantially and they are now preparing and delivering

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