History Group meeting dates 2013/14

History Group meeting dates 2013/14

Great Gidding History Group The group meets on the third Wednesday of each month between September and April. 7.30PM start time. The meetings are very informal – chatting and exchanging memories, sometimes photos or objects are brought in for discussion. The next meeting dates are: Wednesday 18th

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Great Gidding Gala Week

Great Gidding Gala Week

A new event for The Giddings! Following the weekend of the Eliot Festival at Little Gidding there will be a series of cultural and fun events held in and around the village. From Monday 8th July through to Sunday 14th July there will be poetry, arts, crafts, lunches, cultural visits and a couple of fun events to cater for all tastes.

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Long Distance Walking

Long Distance Walking

Long Distance Walkers Association If you like walking you may be interested to know about a national organisation that exists to promote walking longer distance as a recreational or challenge activity. The Long Distance Walkers Association  (LDWA) promotes distance walking through its regional groups. For example the

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Sun shines on The Big Lunch & Have a Field Day

The sun shone for the annual ‘Big Lunch’ and ‘Have a Field Day’ on the recreation field in Great Gidding on Sunday 2nd June. Picnics and drinks were followed by a well fought rounders match (which ended in a very fair draw)! Free kites and footballs supplied

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The Big Lunch & Have A Field day

The Big Lunch & Have A Field day

Picnic time on the Recreation Field Sunday, June 2nd  on Great Gidding Recreation Field and if even just the weather repeats itself as last year then it will be a grand day out. The Big Lunch is all about community coming together to share a meal which in

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