Over the Jubilee Bank Holiday we would like to display any photographs/newspaper cuttings/certificates, in fact anything that reminds us of events that have happened in the Giddings, over the last 70 years……it may be pantos, various clubs, sporting activities, groups, societies, fetes, community picnics and dances to name just a few.
Have you anything that we could use and put on display? Please help us if you can by making sure any personal memorabilia you have is clearly identifiable with the date and event name and also clearly marked with your name and contact no. The cut off date for getting those memories out of the attic and over to us is the end of April so there’s not much time.
All will be brought together for the Jubilee Bank Holiday and displayed at the Village Hall for everyone to come along and share the memories….
Sue on Tel 293271 email: jartrap@aol.com
Julie on TEL: 293591 Email: julie.trolove@gmail.com
for more details about collection/delivery of memorabilia.
Thank you.
Details of the event will follow soon.
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