Hi everyone,

This is the new blog for the Giddings. It’s linked to the Giddings website and it allows you to comment and discuss anything to do with Great Gidding, Little Gidding and Steeple Gidding (and any other local villages – we’re not proud!).

Giddings website

The Giddings website

Why a blog?

A weblog (or blog) allows you to post a topic (an idea, suggestion, notice, complaint etc) and then for anyone else to comment  and add suggestions etc. For instance you may be concerned with the amount of traffic through the village, you might be thinking of hosting an event, or you might be searching for a relative or long lost friend in the village. By posting a topic people will see it and maybe give you some answers or point you in the right direction.


If you would like to join the blog please email us and we’ll add you as a subscriber. That way you can add a topic and comment on any items added.

Please feel free to use it.

Bye for now

Paul and Krystyna

  1. avatar

    Great idea!

  2. avatar

    Any villagers wanting to play Aunt Sally this summer, our first warm up will be at The Fox and Hounds on April 4th from 7pm

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