Gidding History Group present:
‘Two for the Price of One’
‘Milton Estate—Past and Present’
A talk by Mr Robert Dalgliesh (Chief Agent to the Fitzwilliam Estate)
Followed by
‘More Great Gidding History’
Patrick Ellis introducing his new book about Great Gidding
The book will be on sale after the talks.
Entry is FREE but donations to Gidding History Group will be appreciated.
Light refreshments will be available to purchase after the talks.
Start Time: 19:15
Date: 2015-09-30
Location: Great Gidding Village Hall
Date: Wednesday 30th September
This looks like it will be interesting. Especially as most of Gt.Gidding was owned previously by The Fitzwilliams ( Milton Estates) & a large part of the Parish still is. R