Great Gidding History Day
This Saturday, new material,new maps, new documents.
History Day Update
History Day takes place between 11am and 5pm on Saturday 18th October, in the Village Hall. There will be a display of photographs and documents showing Who Lived Where, in addition we have researched those villagers who served in World War 1, and this will be accompanied by work from the schoolchildren on World War 2. We will have a series of village maps and aerial photographs on view.
Help the archaeologist
Also an archaeologist will be digging a test pit (or 2) on the day and continuing into the Sunday too – he is wanting people who will join him in excavating the test pit and cleaning and cataloging the finds. Most important – we want people to bring along photographs and documents, and memories, of the Giddings. Entry is FREE (donations to the History Group would be most welcome). Refreshments will be available.
This years Village History Day
18th October 2014
The 2014 Village History day will be an update on what has been discovered since the last Open Day ( 3 years ago ) In addition we would like to meet people who have had connections to the village in the past and to see photographs / documents that have been unearthed from cupboards.
World War 1 researcher
The Gidding History Group is looking for a World War 1 enthusiast, someone to research the impact on the Giddings and those involved in the conflict.
We will display the findings at the Village History Day
Featured Image details
This is a north easterly view along Main Street. Outwardly nothing has changed. The steps are the same but different now. The distant cottage has been demolished and has just been rebuilt in 2013/14 in the interim it was a pony paddock and riding school.
Nice photo! Is it the new house or the original!
The house looks familiar – in 1941 it was my first billet. The Yeomans were my hosts, it was then the saddlers house and workshop this was at the top of the hill in the middle of the village, opposite was the butchers and slaughterhouse, Inside each side of the fire were pew like seats but with high backs – all very cosy. On the outside wall was a grape vine with blue grape, as shown in the photo, happy memories.
Ray Lee (vaccy)